Cascarilla - Eggshell Powder
Eggshell powder is a powder made from grinding white egg shells and has a multitude of uses. Eggshells are a natural source of calcium and are great to help clear your skin, fertilize your garden, add to your dogs diet and many more things. Today we'll talk about the spiritual and…
Imbolc, (St.)Bridgets day, Candlemas or whatever it may or may not be that you are celebrating today.. Today marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.. The crossroads between the seasons, the power shift between the Caillieach and Brigid.. It is now when we welcome back our beloved Sun. While lambing…
Lavender Faery Wine
What do you need:
1 cup of milk per serving 1 tsp honey ¼ tsp of vanilla extract Cinnamon (stick) Lavender 1/4 cup of brewed lavender tea
Steep lavender buds (or just lavender tea) in 1/4 cup of hot water.Warm the milk on the stove and make sure it doesn’t boil. Once…
Can you feel the strong energy of fire? Fire is passion and can heal, harm and change, but fire can also be destructive. Its a very powerful element and stands for strength and will power. Pay attention to your mind wandering.. where’s it going? What is it that needs attention?
Please don't forget to leave your contact if you use the chat. I receive so many messages while I'm asleep (I'm in EST time zone), but without your contacts I can't get back to you.
Over the past few months I received a lot of requests from people who are seeking more information about the outcome…
Sooo past week we had 7 planetary bodies in retrograde taking us back over past grounds ? Not in a sense of re-living it, but more in a sense of being an observer.. A silent still observer, witnessing the part we played in our past (The same planetary bodies were in Rx when I was born btw ?)…
Sleeping Beauties
Er was eens een klaproos..
New Moon Blessings
Egg cleansing is a form of spiritual cleansing that is rooted in many (ancient) cultures. It will remove the energetic shattered negative pieces that travel through your aura and body. The egg will absorb it all and hold it so you can get rid of it.
Lovely Strawberry Full Moon in Capricorn
Herken je dat gevoel van stressen over van alles dat je moet doen ? To Do lijstjes en zelf verzonnen verplichtingen waar je je soms gewoon even niet toe kan zetten ? Laat dan deze kaart ook jou inspireren. Als het even kan, laat dan los wat je “moet” doen en gun jezelf wat ruimte…
Celtic May Day, the second principal Celtic festival. The winter’s journey has passed and summer begins.. The growing season is here.. It’s about Union.. Celebrating life and the unity wich fosters it